On 10th August at The Cloisters Letchworth, Ravenscroft Chapter Rose Croix was again proud to take part in the Salisbury Union Super Saturday. 5 orders including Gladmuir Lodge of Mark Master Masons, Gladmuir Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, Concord Royal Arch Chapter and Salisbury Union Lodge all met with 3 hours.
Despite our tight time schedule, Ravenscroft still managed to conduct a busy meeting.
We welcomed the Travelling Rose and its delegation from Waltham Holy Chapter No.372, Ill. Bro. Pins Poullais 31° Past District Recorder and their MWS elect E&P Bro Steve Coath 18°, on its journey around the District ever maintaining a permanent connection between all our Chapters.
There was even time to present a number of Supreme Grand Council Certificates to our recently perfected Princes.
After all the meetings had conducted their business, our families and friends joined us for an afternoon BBQ that went on well into the early evening.