18° Collar and Jewel
The regalia of the 18°, Knight of the Pelican & Eagle and Sovereign Prince Rose Croix of Heredom, is quite possible the finest and most beautiful in all of Freemasonry. During the ceremony of Perfection there is also a wonderful explanation of the collar and jewel.
30° Sash and Collarette
In order to receive the 30°, Grand Elected Knight Kadosh, Knight of the Black and White Eagle, candidates are expected not only to work the ceremony of Perfection but also Enthrone their successor. Both should be done to the very highest standard that they are capable of achieving.
31° Collar and Collarette
The 31°, Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander, consists of a highly decorate collar and jewel with a collarette and appended jewel. Promotion to the 31st degree is reserved for those with those wonderful qualities fitting to this degree and after many years of dedicated service to the order.
32° Collar and Collarette
The 32°, Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, is similar to the former degree. It consists of an ornate collar and jewel with a collarette and appended jewel. Promotion to the 32° is an outstanding and infrequent honour.
33° Collar and Collarette
The 33°, Inspector General, also known as the 33rd and last degree. An inspector General is similar to a Provincial Grand Master. His job is to preserve the quality of the ritual and maintain a watchful eye over the Rose Croix Chapters in his District. The regalia consists of a 4” wide sash, a chain when in active office and collarette after that. An Inspector General also wear a hat featuring a ”33”.